Municipality Kozarska Dubica, in accordance with the tradition of industrial production, has qualified machine, wood, textile and workers with other manufacturing professional occupations and highly skilled staff of different orientations. In the area of the municipality during the 2011 the industry employed about 5.000 workers, mostly in manufacturing enterprises. Currently the Employment Bureau of Kozarska Dubica registered 3.640 unemployed.

Description Men Women Total
1. Unqualified workers (NK) 146 47 193
2. Semi-qualified workers (PK-NSS) 20 10 30
3. Qualified workers (KV) 320 107 427
4. Skilled technicians (SSS) 278 169 447
5. Highly qualified specialists (VKV) 4 0 4
6. Associate degree (VŠS) 8 4 12
7. University degree (VSS) - 180/240 ECTS 88 57 145
8. Master degree 300 ECTS 1 0 1
9. PHD 1 0 1
TOTAL 866 394 1260
Number of employed / unemployed in the municipality / city according to official records
Employed Unemployed
Men Women Men Women
2238 1799 472 394
TOTAL 4037 TOTAL 866
Unemployed persons actively looking for work according to age structure
Ages Male Female Total
1. up to 30 85 105 190
2. 30-40 65 93 158
3. 40-50 79 76 155
4. 50-60 190 99 289
5. 60 and over 53 21 74
TOTAL 472 394 866

In the area of the Municipality Kozarska Dubica there is a High School center that educates 7 different technician profiles and 6 apprenticeship profiles.
In accordance with its strategic commitment, Municipality Kozarska Dubica is ready to meet the needs of investors by introducing new professions in the local High School.
In addition, there is the possibility of occupational and professional retraining/upgrading for existing staff to the needs of the economy and investor.